
My depression is crushing me after HR experience

Long story short my company had a reshuffle a year ago where my boss (who really wasn’t great, but was survivable) was moved into another role and another woman was put in to oversee things. From the very first day of working together she has been pretty much ticking off almost every form of workplace bullying including humiliation, belittling, undermining, yelling, goal post shifting, overloading my workload, excluding me etc So it got so bad a few months ago that my doctor told me I had to take leave as I was just physically, mentally and emotionally crashing. I did and felt a bit better and things were ok for about a week but then my boss started with the abuse again. I decided to approach HR and they’ve managed to side with her and turn it all back on me. Apparently I’m the bully for telling her not to…

Long story short my company had a reshuffle a year ago where my boss (who really wasn’t great, but was survivable) was moved into another role and another woman was put in to oversee things. From the very first day of working together she has been pretty much ticking off almost every form of workplace bullying including humiliation, belittling, undermining, yelling, goal post shifting, overloading my workload, excluding me etc

So it got so bad a few months ago that my doctor told me I had to take leave as I was just physically, mentally and emotionally crashing. I did and felt a bit better and things were ok for about a week but then my boss started with the abuse again.

I decided to approach HR and they’ve managed to side with her and turn it all back on me. Apparently I’m the bully for telling her not to bully me. I am now awaiting “disciplinary action” which could be anything from having to sit in dehumanising meetings with her to being fired.

Years with this company and I’ve consistently been a top performer while her metrics are worse than the average cadet and yet she’s a protected species.

Getting another job is harder than people think but I’m trying. I’m just so depressed and I feel like I’m worthless.

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