
My dream

I dream of not saving a single penny. I dream of no 401ks. I dream of spending all my money on things I love. We only live once. I can't be a youth forever. What's the point of having millions in old age and can't enjoy a single penny. What the use of leaving all my hard earned cash to family or donating it to charities? Nah, I decide to enjoy life now while I still can. If I am poor in old age, I will have great memories.

I dream of not saving a single penny. I dream of no 401ks. I dream of spending all my money on things I love. We only live once. I can't be a youth forever. What's the point of having millions in old age and can't enjoy a single penny. What the use of leaving all my hard earned cash to family or donating it to charities? Nah, I decide to enjoy life now while I still can. If I am poor in old age, I will have great memories.

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