
My dream is to be an anthropologist and study ancient culture’s burial practices. My dream is not to have a job as an anthropologist.

Let me explain. I want to discover secrets about humans of the past; how they dealt with death, what they thought about it, and how they treated the deceased. I want to uncover lost myths about the afterlife. I want to help preserve historical bodies and prevent climate change from destroying important historical sites, like the catacombs in Italy. What I don’t want is a job. I don’t want the pressure of my paycheck looming over me as I work. I don’t want to be working on preserving a Chinchorro mummy but have my thoughts dwell on if I’m making enough for rent, or if I can afford groceries that month. I don’t have a dream job, I have a dream life; one where I don’t need to worry about rent and groceries and healthcare. I want to contribute to society: I just don’t want to feel forced to do…

Let me explain.

I want to discover secrets about humans of the past; how they dealt with death, what they thought about it, and how they treated the deceased. I want to uncover lost myths about the afterlife. I want to help preserve historical bodies and prevent climate change from destroying important historical sites, like the catacombs in Italy.

What I don’t want is a job. I don’t want the pressure of my paycheck looming over me as I work. I don’t want to be working on preserving a Chinchorro mummy but have my thoughts dwell on if I’m making enough for rent, or if I can afford groceries that month.

I don’t have a dream job, I have a dream life; one where I don’t need to worry about rent and groceries and healthcare. I want to contribute to society: I just don’t want to feel forced to do so because of capitalism.

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