
my employee of the month bonus

This was about 15 years back. New ops director brought in an employee of the month scheme. Ppl were getting £75 cash for doing Thier jobs slightly better then AVG. We talking they maybe ran a team 1% more efficiently over the month. Me? I get volunteered to swap from a 8 hour day, 5day week to work 3 12 hour shifts Saturday through Monday. My team to run 5 industrial ovens baking was me and one other guy. We had to load each oven within 5mins of them being emptied. To make matters worse this was every 55 mins in the middle of summer with poor air circulation Anyways being young and trusting we worked out asses off not only getting through our bake order but leaving the oppo shift a cleaned up babe house with 1 bake per oven ready to go for them they did the same…

This was about 15 years back. New ops director brought in an employee of the month scheme.

Ppl were getting £75 cash for doing Thier jobs slightly better then AVG. We talking they maybe ran a team 1% more efficiently over the month.

Me? I get volunteered to swap from a 8 hour day, 5day week to work 3 12 hour shifts Saturday through Monday.

My team to run 5 industrial ovens baking was me and one other guy. We had to load each oven within 5mins of them being emptied. To make matters worse this was every 55 mins in the middle of summer with poor air circulation

Anyways being young and trusting we worked out asses off not only getting through our bake order but leaving the oppo shift a cleaned up babe house with 1 bake per oven ready to go for them they did the same for us is and it got to the point we had gotten so far ahead between us that there were no spare rack frames left by halfway through our Sunday shift.

Being young and hard working, we would ho and help other teams out

Boss tells me that he's so pleased with how well we worked despite being forced to change rota or be fired (didn't know that was illegal at the time) that we had been out forward for the bonus.

Anyways a memo goes up saying 2 ppl on weekends days AND nights were all getting the monthly award for bieng such hard workers.

Bonus day comes, night ls got the cash, we got £50 in hardware store vouchers BETWEEN US. My mate was doing up his flat, so I told him to keep the voucher. My friend insured on giving me my half in cash to be fair.

Next month the lazy buggers down the other end got awarded it on weekend days and all team members
7of them to my team of 2, GOT £75 cash each.

I handed my notice in on the Monday, so the owners came to ask why I was in a foul mood and slowing down, plus quitting. When I told them they looked pissed.

Turns out the shift supervisor had drunk away some of our bonus and tried to hide it. The owners gave us our proper bonus themselves.

Now to be fair the job wasn't too bad, the owners were actually a really decent bunch running a family firm. They believed in rewarding hard work, sadly they kept hiring total arseholes to run the place.

With everything I hear about the old place now tho, I'm glad I'm too disabled to work anymore

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