
My employer completely fucked me over and made sure that they weren’t on the hook for unemployment. Even with all my documentation of their bullshit they won.

I was out on disability/leave for a concussion and substance abuae disorder. Everything was above board and I was granted leave. It became clear I wasn't going to be ready for work after the 12 weeks and requested additional leave. I called my supervisor multiple times no answer. After a few weeks I get a call saying my leave has been exhausted. I tried to play phone tag with the HR department but I never got clarification what this met. I knew through my coworker that they had hired 3 people definitely designed as my replacement. Since I was only there 10 months FMLA did not protect my job. I get it they needed people and I wasn't available but was trying to tell them to hold on I would be back shortly. Anyways the letter says the separation was a voluntary resignation because they called me and couldn't get…

I was out on disability/leave for a concussion and substance abuae disorder. Everything was above board and I was granted leave. It became clear I wasn't going to be ready for work after the 12 weeks and requested additional leave.

I called my supervisor multiple times no answer. After a few weeks I get a call saying my leave has been exhausted. I tried to play phone tag with the HR department but I never got clarification what this met.

I knew through my coworker that they had hired 3 people definitely designed as my replacement. Since I was only there 10 months FMLA did not protect my job. I get it they needed people and I wasn't available but was trying to tell them to hold on I would be back shortly.

Anyways the letter says the separation was a voluntary resignation because they called me and couldn't get me on the phone. Even though I returned every call but they didn't answer mine. Nothing was voluntary about the separation. I feel I absolutely should meet requirements for unemployment compensation.

I will find out more tomorrow, but at the moment I'm crushed. No job, can't drive until october and now have zero chance at any income. I just want to die honestly. I've got 4 months sober but would rather be high right now.

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