
My employer delayed my salary for 50 days and is now refusing to pay.

The company is refusing to pay me and my colleague our last salary for the notice period month, despite the resignation period already being over which was in October. We plan on potentially moving abroad within two weeks, our schedule is not free due to our new job with clients, and now HR is saying that we will not be given our salaries unless we physically visit the office to sign a clearance form which we cannot at this moment. We told them to reschedule for a different time and let us sort things out by explaining but they have not responded to us despite seeing our messages. Is there anything I can do about this? I had signed Clearance forms through e-mails before with well-known companies that had their HQ outside of the country I am in. They were extremely rude when I and my colleague submitted our resignation…

The company is refusing to pay me and my colleague our last salary for the notice period month, despite the resignation period already being over which was in October.

We plan on potentially moving abroad within two weeks, our schedule is not free due to our new job with clients, and now HR is saying that we will not be given our salaries unless we physically visit the office to sign a clearance form which we cannot at this moment. We told them to reschedule for a different time and let us sort things out by explaining but they have not responded to us despite seeing our messages.

Is there anything I can do about this? I had signed Clearance forms through e-mails before with well-known companies that had their HQ outside of the country I am in. They were extremely rude when I and my colleague submitted our resignation and notice period of 30 days, and now they are troubling us with this. It feels like harassment and is so wrong.

EDIT: They had already paid everyone else the salaries 10 days ago.

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