
My employer didn’t report my amputee accident to OSHA and none of my coworkers knew it even happened.

Previous Posts: & The links above will give more of a background on what has happened and I recently discovered some new information that has me literally trembling with anxiety and fear. After my accident my wife, boss, and his lawyer came up with an agreement when I was in the ICU. I would get to keep my healthcare, I’d get a set amount of money monthly, a secure office position when I came back to work and all “we” had to do was agree to wait for the company to do a full investigation that would be complete on or before March 14th 2022. If I hadn't posted here the first time I think I would still be sitting and waiting. I never thought to check OSHA because I thought my employer would be required to do that. The next day I got a lawyer and since…

Previous Posts:


The links above will give more of a background on what has happened and I recently discovered some new information that has me literally trembling with anxiety and fear. After my accident my wife, boss, and his lawyer came up with an agreement when I was in the ICU. I would get to keep my healthcare, I’d get a set amount of money monthly, a secure office position when I came back to work and all “we” had to do was agree to wait for the company to do a full investigation that would be complete on or before March 14th 2022.

If I hadn't posted here the first time I think I would still be sitting and waiting. I never thought to check OSHA because I thought my employer would be required to do that. The next day I got a lawyer and since then I’ve gone through two who said my case is too large to take on right now. I've decided to say f*ck it and provide more information about my accident and what has transpired this past month. Some think my account is a troll account anyway so whatever.

The accident happened at an offsite location that is almost two hours away from the main warehouse. There were three employees working (this was mid covid). My coworker who was on his lunch break when it happened, my supervisor who was under the influence of drugs, and me. My supervisor caused the accident and left me on the ground until my coworker came back from break. I had no way to call out for help.

My supervisor initially tried blaming my coworker saying it was him who did it but his time card swipes proved that wrong. My supervisor works in another state now. I recently decided to get back into contact with a few guys I worked with and I asked what our boss said to everyone regarding my accident/where I am? Both told me no one said anything about it. ….NOONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ME LOSING MY LEG!!??? How does a job hide something like this??

I’m now in panic mode. Wouldn’t the ambulance, cops, doctors have reported it? I know they are mandatory reporters but does that cover work accidents? Who contacts the news when something like this happens because I haven’t found a single news article. I think my employer is trying to “time me out”. There has to be a record of the accident, right? Should I contact the city? I’m seriously freaking out.

I get I was an ignorant fool to wait this long but in my defense I was following the agreement. I can’t feed my kid, I’m only eating every two, three days, I can’t pay rent, and I can’t get help because the very small amount I do get monthly is somehow “too much” to qualify. I already went to my food pantry and was given a box of bread, a few apples, and a huge can of crushed tomatoes. I can only go once a month and I can’t afford the gas to try other pantries.

TL;DR: How do I blow this up? Do I file my own complaint? How do I sue a company? Please do not troll me, I need advice. Since I was 14 years old I've worked hard labor, blue collar jobs that paid well. I have no other skills. I feel embarrassed I survived the accident and can’t stop thinking that my son would be better off in foster care.

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