
my employer fired me after reporting SH

I currently work in the legal cannabis industry in Denver, CO. Last year, I reported to HR that the contractor my boss hired was sexually harassing me. They brought me into speak with them after I reported it and after I expressed to them how it made me feel hopeless, they had me work at a different location. After a week of back and forth about where and when I was working (because I needed to work) what I would be doing at thr location, etc, the HR rep contacted me for a meeting and told me that in order to return to work, I would need to see a therapist and have the therapist sign a “work release”. When I told the therapist, she said this was highly illegal. After another couple weeks of no contact with my boss and confusion on where I was supposed to be so…

I currently work in the legal cannabis industry in Denver, CO. Last year, I reported to HR that the contractor my boss hired was sexually harassing me. They brought me into speak with them after I reported it and after I expressed to them how it made me feel hopeless, they had me work at a different location. After a week of back and forth about where and when I was working (because I needed to work) what I would be doing at thr location, etc, the HR rep contacted me for a meeting and told me that in order to return to work, I would need to see a therapist and have the therapist sign a “work release”. When I told the therapist, she said this was highly illegal. After another couple weeks of no contact with my boss and confusion on where I was supposed to be so I could work, they fired me without a final paycheck stating “you haven't been working this pay period so, there is nothing to pay you.” (I am salaried with PTO and sick pay offered in my offer letter)

Jump forward to currently, I had been working with another company and had a coworker who had previously worked for my past employer. She had been having problems with promoting our current company because of our former employer. I created a Facebook post saying that this specific employee shouldn't be held responsible for our past employers actions and that she “is cultivating her own reputation. Leave the people making peanuts out of it.”

I received an email from the past employers HR representative telling me that if I did not take the post down (with 1 heart react and 1 like) they would issue a cease and desist. On May 17th, they did just that citing loss of revenue.

My question: Since I have been continuously searching for legal representation for my SH claim (that was not reported to the state) and loss of wages, do I even have a case? I feel entirely hopeless.

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