
My Employer is Considering Lay-Offs for Paying Employees Too Much

I've been with my employer for a year, and there have been so many problems from illegal short staffing to write ups being threatened for things we can't control, you name it the shitty management has probably done it. One of the things they have always really struggled with is paying their employees properly. Multiple people have quit over it. Recently for summer they hired a bunch of people, which was really nice because of the aforementioned short staffing, but also really weird because we had been fighting for more people for a while. One of my coworkers kind of quit suddenly today. She came in after being exposed to COVID the day before and apparently before work convinced our managers to let her come to work. She wore a mask but started throwing up a bit into her shift. I am not sure if she was still set on…

I've been with my employer for a year, and there have been so many problems from illegal short staffing to write ups being threatened for things we can't control, you name it the shitty management has probably done it.

One of the things they have always really struggled with is paying their employees properly. Multiple people have quit over it. Recently for summer they hired a bunch of people, which was really nice because of the aforementioned short staffing, but also really weird because we had been fighting for more people for a while.

One of my coworkers kind of quit suddenly today. She came in after being exposed to COVID the day before and apparently before work convinced our managers to let her come to work. She wore a mask but started throwing up a bit into her shift. I am not sure if she was still set on staying at work but one of our other employees didn't want to be around her so she cut her shift short and left. After our other coworker left she decided she wanted to go home but after another coworker already left because they didn't want to be around her, management asked that she stay and so she just walked out. I am really confused on what happened here because I heard many different stories. This is important for later.

One of my coworkers decided to ask for a raise the same day because she had been seeing job listings for her position, starting at 50 cents more then she was getting paid. She asked and of course my manager said no. Her reasoning? That they are way over budget for paying employees.

My lead, who is not as high as management and is getting the same bad treatment, trusts me a lot since I have been there the longest, even longer then her. It basically means when there is information that she learns that she is not supposed to tell anyone, she tells me. Well after this whole ordeal today when me and her were alone, she said that they were so over budget that they were considering layoffs.

Then she stepped outside and talked to the manager who got ahold of the person who quit earlier. Turns out that they were trying to give her another chance so they don't have to hire any more people.

So they aren't paying my other coworker what she is worth and they are considering laying people off, all while trying to hire back the person who just quit who btw was getting paid what my other coworker asked to get paid.

I think they might be trying to hire the one person back because she is full time and the person who wanted a raise isn't, but she wants more hours and in all honesty is a better coworker. The one who quit is nice and all but she is on her phone a lot and the one who wants a raise has 2 years experience in the feild and has been there longer.

I am just so upset by this. The one who asked for a raise is having to go on food stamps. Our lead is possibly having to move states because she only gets like 50 cents more then I do and rent is just ridiculously high here. The first on the list, we are guessing, to get laid off is working 2 jobs right now because she is low on money. I was going to ask for a raise because the only male in our section is getting paid the same as me and he was hired like a good 6 months after I was and me and him are the highest paid employees aside from our lead, and I had the threaten to quit to get paid this much, he just started at what I am getting paid at, but I know they'll say no and I am like the lowest priority.

This is just so dumb and I feel bad for everyone here.

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