
My employer is insane. I hope they can’t get away this

First time poster here. I know this probably won't help much, but it may help get things off my chest. I work for an American Space in Venezuela. We basically promote American Culture, do social well being programs, etc. Our only source of income are English classes. I've been working here as a teacher for the past three years, and although the experience hasn't been all negative, it is not an easy place to work at due to the fact that my boss is not a good leader and is, to be honest, an asshole. I've never had a personal problem with him but I've been thinking about leaving due to his attitude towards my colleagues for some time now. Nevertheless, today something terrible happened. A year ago the center acquired virtual reality headsets to use during the classes (despite not having enough students to sustain the center and nobody…

First time poster here. I know this probably won't help much, but it may help get things off my chest. I work for an American Space in Venezuela. We basically promote American Culture, do social well being programs, etc. Our only source of income are English classes. I've been working here as a teacher for the past three years, and although the experience hasn't been all negative, it is not an easy place to work at due to the fact that my boss is not a good leader and is, to be honest, an asshole. I've never had a personal problem with him but I've been thinking about leaving due to his attitude towards my colleagues for some time now. Nevertheless, today something terrible happened. A year ago the center acquired virtual reality headsets to use during the classes (despite not having enough students to sustain the center and nobody really asking for them). We have used them sporadically and never had any major issues with them. That was until about three weeks ago, when they were used in an activity outside the center, and they were left under the sun. I wasn't there because I was on vacation, but the headsets were damaged due to the harsh sunlight. My boss was fuming and after I came back from my vacation I was informed we would be receiving a penalty for the damage to the glasses. I wasn't there and I didn't do anything, but I thought it was just going to be a dumb note in our file. Turns out, it was more than that. According to him and the office lawyer, me and two of my coworkers (who also have been working here for a long time) are expected to pay for the VR headsets when we stop working here. 2000 $ each. Basically meaning than when we quit, we would probably get no severance payment and we would actually owe money to the company. I was understandably upset, but I didn't say much at the time because I knew it would just make everything worse. I signed the thing (with wrong information, I couldn't think of anything else to do) but now I'm not sure what's going to happen. The justice system in my country is very shady and my boss is an influential person. As I said, I don't know if this post will change anything, but I wanted to put it out there. Thanks for taking the time to read it .

TLDR: My boss wants me and two coworkers to pay him 2000$ when we quit because some VR headsets were damaged mostly by accident.

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