
My Employer Lied About the Hours

I recently moved to a town where almost all jobs are factory jobs. This means 12 hour shifts, often 5 days a week. I managed to find one that offered 8 hour shifts 5 days a week and throughout the entire process I talked about how I was happy to have found a job that didn’t treat my time like it was only for work. The interviewer made sure to emphasis how the employees enjoyed this job due to the 8 hour shifts. However, on my first day I realized that was all a lie. It was now 10 hour shifts 6 days a week. Mandatory overtime. When I asked about it I was told I can come in two hours early or stay two hours late. No exceptions. If I had a problem no job. I do NOT have the mental capacity to work 50+ hours a week. Sometimes…

I recently moved to a town where almost all jobs are factory jobs. This means 12 hour shifts, often 5 days a week. I managed to find one that offered 8 hour shifts 5 days a week and throughout the entire process I talked about how I was happy to have found a job that didn’t treat my time like it was only for work. The interviewer made sure to emphasis how the employees enjoyed this job due to the 8 hour shifts. However, on my first day I realized that was all a lie. It was now 10 hour shifts 6 days a week. Mandatory overtime. When I asked about it I was told I can come in two hours early or stay two hours late. No exceptions. If I had a problem no job. I do NOT have the mental capacity to work 50+ hours a week. Sometimes over 60. I’m livid with the blatant lying that occurred and regret my move every single day that I see more and more job postings for 12 hour shifts.

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