
My employer (M, 60s) offered to get down on his knees and beg me (F, 20s) to stay when I quit

I of course told him not to do that lol. He said it in a way that sounded like a joke but I genuinely believe he would've done it if I had said yes. This happened a few days after I handed my resignation notice to my “main” employer and was going around telling everyone in the office personally that I was gonna be leaving. The one who said he'd get down on his knees is the owner and the father of my boss. There was a lot of weird manipulative stuff that was said during that convo. The owner was telling me how my boss “adores” me and that he had “tears in his eyes” b/c of me leaving. He also kept going on about how I'm so beautiful lmao? Just trying to flatter me. At one point he asked why I'm single and said they needed to find…

I of course told him not to do that lol. He said it in a way that sounded like a joke but I genuinely believe he would've done it if I had said yes.

This happened a few days after I handed my resignation notice to my “main” employer and was going around telling everyone in the office personally that I was gonna be leaving. The one who said he'd get down on his knees is the owner and the father of my boss.

There was a lot of weird manipulative stuff that was said during that convo. The owner was telling me how my boss “adores” me and that he had “tears in his eyes” b/c of me leaving. He also kept going on about how I'm so beautiful lmao? Just trying to flatter me. At one point he asked why I'm single and said they needed to find me a good rich bf. He knows that I live with my parents and he made a comment about how that must make dating hard. Just weird stuff lol.

But anyway I didn't feel physically threatened or scared he was going to sexually come on to me. I just found all those comments weird. What really bothered me is that they wouldn't pay me what I asked for when I quit but he's willing to get down on his knees and beg for me???? It felt insulting to me. If you want me to stay so badly just pay me what I want, perhaps?

I was asking to be paid $60k and my boss offered me $50k instead. When I started there I was making $40k and I know a 10k raise seems big but they got me to start doing work that went beyond the original title I had when I first started working there. What I was originally doing only requires a high school degree and what I ended up doing requires 2 degrees and a license, which I had from the start, but I began with the lower title because I had no experience. The market value for what I was now doing is 60k so I felt like it was a reasonable amount to ask for. And that's not accounting for inflation. I also had no benefits there besides 2 weeks PTO.

I should add the reason I even asked for that raise is because my boss asked me if there was anything he could do to get me to stay. That's when I brought up the raise because he prompted it basically. The original reason why I quit was because he yelled at me once and I felt disrespected, it wasn't even because of the pay.

There was also some other bullshit I had to deal with but it would've made this post too long. I ended up quitting in the end.

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