
My employer made me make a decision

I work as a recruiter for a small family owned company. I’ve been here for a few years now and am VERY good at what I do. I’m a vital part of the business and I’d say I’m paid fairly but by no means do I earn a lot. This year I decided I want to switch professions and leap over to the financial industry – however, this means I would need to pass several strenuous exams and thus would need to study a ton of material. For WAY too long I’ve been studying part-time but have not been able to fully gear up for the exams. This is largely due to me being a such a key to the success of the business. My life for the past few months has been grueling to say the least. Several weeks ago my bosses finally called me out. They kept asking…

I work as a recruiter for a small family owned company. I’ve been here for a few years now and am VERY good at what I do. I’m a vital part of the business and I’d say I’m paid fairly but by no means do I earn a lot.

This year I decided I want to switch professions and leap over to the financial industry – however, this means I would need to pass several strenuous exams and thus would need to study a ton of material. For WAY too long I’ve been studying part-time but have not been able to fully gear up for the exams. This is largely due to me being a such a key to the success of the business. My life for the past few months has been grueling to say the least.

Several weeks ago my bosses finally called me out. They kept asking me to do shit outside of my role and well, I just never did that shit – not my job! During this meeting I informed that I was stressed with work and also that I’ve been studying part-time.

Fast forward a few weeks later, my bosses corner me again in a meeting. They were now pressuring me to take over the website, social medias, marketing campaigns, Google analytics, and to recruit leads at least 10x times. They said that I needed to accept these new duties or decide to quit for a new career in Finance. This was a HUGE ask considering what I do for them already and it would involve taking several month long online training courses. NO raise in pay was offered during this meeting and of course I declined on the spot! I’m sure I could have negotiated my pay but no thanks!

The following day (a week or so ago) I gave notice that I will be leaving and now my bosses are freaking out and basically aren’t friendly anymore lol… Now that I’m working my notice they’ve been asking me to do some petty shit as far as recruitment goes. My colleagues are SOOO sad that I’m leaving and it sucks because things will slow down drastically without me. Not to toot my horn but it’s gonna be hard to replace me – also made me realized my value!

Last week I had an interview with a Financial firm and I’m hoping to hear some good news soon. Wish me luck! So much for working for a family owned company.

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