
My employer never gave me a W2, and now he says my design work wasn’t good enough to compensate me.

Here’s the text I just received after sending (once again) my time card and asking him to pay me: “You had transportation, health issues and were supposed to be doing graphic design as an independent contractor. I'm waiting to hear back from my lawyer, she will likely be following up with you.” I was not hired as an independent contractor, he just never gave me paperwork. I have texts from him asking me to come in and man the counter (obviously a W2-type job) as well as all the graphic design work I did, which he claims he never received. I have the emails sent AND his responses to them. This was a dispensary and when I did the baking he had his five year old son sitting up on the counter with his fingers in the cannabis butter (!) as well as a large dog running around the food…

Here’s the text I just received after sending (once again) my time card and asking him to pay me: “You had transportation, health issues and were supposed to be doing graphic design as an independent contractor. I'm waiting to hear back from my lawyer, she will likely be following up with you.”

I was not hired as an independent contractor, he just never gave me paperwork. I have texts from him asking me to come in and man the counter (obviously a W2-type job) as well as all the graphic design work I did, which he claims he never received. I have the emails sent AND his responses to them.

This was a dispensary and when I did the baking he had his five year old son sitting up on the counter with his fingers in the cannabis butter (!) as well as a large dog running around the food prep area.  

What are my options?

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