
My employer presented me a 55% pay cut. Is this legal? (Texas)

On my one year anniversary at an exotic dealership I was told that they need to make some changes, after their long attempt at trying convince me this is for the better it came down to them offering an effective 55% pay cut… The best part is I just closed on a new house moving not just my life but also my spouses across the state out of commitment to this job… the very day before they sat me down for this chat. If it is illegal then what do I actually do here? Are there attorneys for this kind of thing? Would hiring one greet me fired? Would unemployment even cover what I WAS being paid? I’m paid via commission & salary so I don’t know how the state would perceive this… Obviously I should start looking for new employment purely out of principle, but if they find out…

On my one year anniversary at an exotic dealership I was told that they need to make some changes, after their long attempt at trying convince me this is for the better it came down to them offering an effective 55% pay cut…

The best part is I just closed on a new house moving not just my life but also my spouses across the state out of commitment to this job… the very day before they sat me down for this chat.

If it is illegal then what do I actually do here? Are there attorneys for this kind of thing? Would hiring one greet me fired?

Would unemployment even cover what I WAS being paid?

I’m paid via commission & salary so I don’t know how the state would perceive this…

Obviously I should start looking for new employment purely out of principle, but if they find out that I’m looking for employment elsewhere would that be grounds for them to fire me and deny me unemployment?

What’s happened here is I was originally offered to make X amount in a year based on their historical averages…

Well I showed up and doubled the departments productivity thus doubling my paycheck in contrast to what they intended to pay me…

They want to put me back to the originally estimated X amount even though we’re now twice as busy…

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