
My employer refused to pay me my last check after quitting, I called the Dpt of Labor.

I only worked at this place for a week, but was treated terribly, so I quit. They went on to lie and say I never even worked there to begin with. I was blown away with how ballsy they played this, considering I was in fact employed there. I went ahead and kept all of my documents from onboarding, called the Dept of Labor and reported them. Few days go by, and a check shows up at my door. Always, ALWAYS stand up to your employer when mistreated.

I only worked at this place for a week, but was treated terribly, so I quit.

They went on to lie and say I never even worked there to begin with. I was blown away with how ballsy they played this, considering I was in fact employed there.

I went ahead and kept all of my documents from onboarding, called the Dept of Labor and reported them. Few days go by, and a check shows up at my door.

Always, ALWAYS stand up to your employer when mistreated.

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