
My employer requires new employees to pass a non standardized policy test that requires hundreds of hours of studying off the clock to keep our jobs.

Like the title says: My employer requires new employees to pass a non standardized in house policy test that requires hundreds of hours of studying off the clock to keep our jobs. My employer is a branch of the local government. The test and study regiment is incredibly overwhelming. I'm terrified that I will not pass and will lose my job. All employees that have gone through this process say it's extremely stressful and that they spend 4-6 hours a day studying outside of work in order to pass. My question is: is it legal for a local government employer to require this amount of off the clock studying/work in order for me to keep my job?

Like the title says: My employer requires new employees to pass a non standardized in house policy test that requires hundreds of hours of studying off the clock to keep our jobs. My employer is a branch of the local government. The test and study regiment is incredibly overwhelming. I'm terrified that I will not pass and will lose my job. All employees that have gone through this process say it's extremely stressful and that they spend 4-6 hours a day studying outside of work in order to pass. My question is: is it legal for a local government employer to require this amount of off the clock studying/work in order for me to keep my job?

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