
My employer told a potential employer about me taking a mental health day and the new employer turned me down because of it

Looking for some help on if this was legal or not. I know HIPPA isn't the right term, but in short, I don't like where I'm working and who I'm working for. Last week, I informed my employer that my mental health was not in a great spot (I struggle with depression and anxiety, and I'm switching medications, which have affected my energy levels – I'm much better now, but at that time, I was struggling to get out of bed and crying constantly). I didn't give him any of those details above, just that that was the reason for my delays with some photo uploads and that I'd have them to him the following day. Next day, I was much better and carried on. While all of this is happening, I have been actively seeking a new role, one that is somewhat adjacent to this job but not contractually…

Looking for some help on if this was legal or not. I know HIPPA isn't the right term, but in short, I don't like where I'm working and who I'm working for.

Last week, I informed my employer that my mental health was not in a great spot (I struggle with depression and anxiety, and I'm switching medications, which have affected my energy levels – I'm much better now, but at that time, I was struggling to get out of bed and crying constantly). I didn't give him any of those details above, just that that was the reason for my delays with some photo uploads and that I'd have them to him the following day. Next day, I was much better and carried on.

While all of this is happening, I have been actively seeking a new role, one that is somewhat adjacent to this job but not contractually connected.

I come to find out from my insider source that my current employer fought this trade of me and another employee (long story and won't go into details) by saying I “hated *insert insider source's name*” (which is not true) and that I had to take “multiple mental health days”. So essentially shot down my chance of working with this other company.

I'm 25F and this is only my second full time job, so I'm quickly learning when companies say they care about your mental health, they actually don't. I've always technically known that, but I think when I'm actually being told by someone to prioritize my health, I do it.

Anyways, I don't really want to do anything about this, but was wondering if legally my current employer overstepped by sharing this information about mental health. If not, then I put it on myself and know better for the future. Still think it's absolute bullshit companies still run this way and turn the other cheek to mental health or disabilities.

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