
My employer will not share wage study results, what to do?

My employer paid an outside company to analyze our wages and job titles as a response to many requests for wage analysis, conflicts about wage inequality amongst peers on the same team, and wage depreciation due to US inflation rates. Now that the results are in, HR refuses to share the results with anyone below top management (executive level) stating it is now a baseline for future growth. Individual contributors are getting zero changes now that the study is completed. How can we demand to see the results and receive wage equality when it is a one sided issue and HR holds all the power? At my company not even my own manager knows what I get paid. HR has way too much power.

My employer paid an outside company to analyze our wages and job titles as a response to many requests for wage analysis, conflicts about wage inequality amongst peers on the same team, and wage depreciation due to US inflation rates.

Now that the results are in, HR refuses to share the results with anyone below top management (executive level) stating it is now a baseline for future growth. Individual contributors are getting zero changes now that the study is completed.

How can we demand to see the results and receive wage equality when it is a one sided issue and HR holds all the power?

At my company not even my own manager knows what I get paid. HR has way too much power.

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