
My employer withheld my final paycheque to compensate for “overpaid sick days” when I was working from home due to covid

I handed in my two weeks notice. 4 hours later my boss comes into my office and tells me that today will be my last day. They gave me a cheque for .15 cents, claiming that the days I was working from home count as sick days, and I owe them $3293. They are “doing me a favour” by only taking $903 from my final pay. (I worked from home – they would have noticed if my job wasn’t completed. It was never disclosed to me that I wasn’t going to be compensated for this) They also claim that I owe them $789 for an online course I didn’t complete prior to quitting. There is nothing in my contract stating that I would have to pay for this if it wasn’t completed. When I asked my boss, she said it is “common knowledge” in the office and that emails have…

I handed in my two weeks notice. 4 hours later my boss comes into my office and tells me that today will be my last day. They gave me a cheque for .15 cents, claiming that the days I was working from home count as sick days, and I owe them $3293. They are “doing me a favour” by only taking $903 from my final pay. (I worked from home – they would have noticed if my job wasn’t completed. It was never disclosed to me that I wasn’t going to be compensated for this)

They also claim that I owe them $789 for an online course I didn’t complete prior to quitting. There is nothing in my contract stating that I would have to pay for this if it wasn’t completed. When I asked my boss, she said it is “common knowledge” in the office and that emails have been sent out regarding this (?) However, they accepted the resignation of someone a few months ago who didn’t complete a course, and never made her pay.

I know it is illegal for them to withhold my pay without written consent. I want to file a claim against them through employment standards BC but I’m worried they will try and sue me? Is this possible?

Any advice is greatly appreciated

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