
My employer(s) actually care about me and I don’t know how to feel

So, earlier this week I got the covid bug, called off work and got put on quarantine for a week. Now, I live alone and this is common knowledge amongst my workforce. You. Guys. First day- multiple texts from seniors checking in on me. Second day- my department head calls me to make sure I'm OK, if I need anything. Told to take it easy. Third day- more check in texts, offers for groceries. Fourth day- morning check in texts, midday check. Fifth day- morning check in. Folks, these people have checked in on me more than my own family. I know this is r/antiwork but I needed people to know there are good employers out there.

So, earlier this week I got the covid bug, called off work and got put on quarantine for a week. Now, I live alone and this is common knowledge amongst my workforce. You. Guys. First day- multiple texts from seniors checking in on me. Second day- my department head calls me to make sure I'm OK, if I need anything. Told to take it easy. Third day- more check in texts, offers for groceries. Fourth day- morning check in texts, midday check. Fifth day- morning check in.

Folks, these people have checked in on me more than my own family. I know this is r/antiwork but I needed people to know there are good employers out there.

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