
my exit interview for my daughter who was fired less than a week into her new job for no reason. Quick history. My daughter is 22 in marketing. She was working for Facebook for just over a year right out of school. She was excelling at her job with promotions and pay raises and was one of the top performers in her department. The only thing was her manager was terrible. So she began looking for a new job. She had a five interview process with a marketing firm, each step very indepth including a massive essay. The interview process took a month. She was hired and told there had been lots of applicants but she had stood out. Facebook offered her a pay raise to stay but it couldn't match the perks she was going to get and no more terrible manager. She started her new job last Wednesday and was being given an orientation and training two hours a day. This very morning they fired her over…

Quick history. My daughter is 22 in marketing. She was working for Facebook for just over a year right out of school. She was excelling at her job with promotions and pay raises and was one of the top performers in her department. The only thing was her manager was terrible. So she began looking for a new job. She had a five interview process with a marketing firm, each step very indepth including a massive essay. The interview process took a month. She was hired and told there had been lots of applicants but she had stood out. Facebook offered her a pay raise to stay but it couldn't match the perks she was going to get and no more terrible manager. She started her new job last Wednesday and was being given an orientation and training two hours a day. This very morning they fired her over the phone because in her bosses words she was untrainable. The day before she was told by the person training her she was doing very well. Now she has no job, no income and feels utterly depressed about what just happened. So I talked to her old boss on her behalf. My family told me to share the recording of my phone call with this person. Link above.

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