
My experience with burnout

A common outcome of our crazy work lives is burnout. Sometimes people post here asking what burnout feels like, and I thought I’d briefly share my experience, which has reinforced my antiwork sentiments. Brief backstory: Im in the US. I’ve worked 25 years in the same division of a large company, and holding many different jobs. I became a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, which can be a real problem. “Odd-Knee can cover that” led in part to the overwork. Add in an ever-intensifying focus on corporate growth while not growing staff, and here we are. My experience: Eventually, the stress made me sick, which led to many doctor appointments, which added to the stress. I developed high blood pressure, panic attacks, abdominal pain, and insomnia as I tried to balance working with more self care (hah). I added a psychologist to my doctor pool. He insisted I take two to…

A common outcome of our crazy work lives is burnout. Sometimes people post here asking what burnout feels like, and I thought I’d briefly share my experience, which has reinforced my antiwork sentiments.

Brief backstory: Im in the US. I’ve worked 25 years in the same division of a large company, and holding many different jobs. I became a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, which can be a real problem. “Odd-Knee can cover that” led in part to the overwork. Add in an ever-intensifying focus on corporate growth while not growing staff, and here we are.

My experience: Eventually, the stress made me sick, which led to many doctor appointments, which added to the stress. I developed high blood pressure, panic attacks, abdominal pain, and insomnia as I tried to balance working with more self care (hah). I added a psychologist to my doctor pool. He insisted I take two to three weeks off work immediately to de-stress, so I did.

Days 1 through 5 were all about stopping the slide into worse health, and quieting the “screaming” stress in my head. Days 9 through 14 were about stopping the panic attacks. In the meantime, the abdominal pain subsided, as did the high blood pressure.

Day 17 I had to return to work. The abdominal pains came back along with muscle tension. The next day I submitted my resignation.

I don’t have a plan for what’s next, but I do know that I need some time off to heal. I’ll be ok, but only if I get out of there.

Corporate greed and deep ingratitude to everyone’s hard work and dedication did this to me and to others in my group. There are few protections from the kind of routine exploitation even office workers here experience.

I’m just one person. I don’t want to see the economy collapse to take down the hideous work culture we’ve created in the US, but it may be the only way in the long run.

In the meantime, please take good care of yourselves.

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