
mY fAVoRitE SpOrt TeAM iSsss…

Every meeting with leadership in my office always starts with an “about me” slide and it without fail always has some blurb about their favorite sports team and how that team is doing. As someone who doesn't give a single shit about sports, they might as well tell me their fucking star sign and their horoscope for the day. This shit tells me nothing. But thats probably the point. A little more of a lighthearted post for this sub but whatever.

Every meeting with leadership in my office always starts with an “about me” slide and it without fail always has some blurb about their favorite sports team and how that team is doing. As someone who doesn't give a single shit about sports, they might as well tell me their fucking star sign and their horoscope for the day. This shit tells me nothing. But thats probably the point.

A little more of a lighthearted post for this sub but whatever.

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