
My fiance and I are are happily yet unexpectedly unemployed.

Sorry this is long, but I think a part of me just needs to get it out. My partner and I worked for a very small mom and pop company. Husband (Robert) and wife (Nellie) owners, who hired my partner Jim, and later on me. Only us 4. Jim worked in the field and myself and Nellie mostly were in the office. Robert did a mix. Think trades type work. Robert has a unique personality. I strongly believe he has some untreated items like ADHD and possibly Bi-Polar. As a person in his mid 60s, he's fairly set in his ways. For context, they have always shared tools between Jim's personal vehicle, the company vehicle, and Robert's personal vehicle. It's the nature of the work and for us has always been this way. Depending on the equipment we may have several, or one. Some are Jim's personal items he uses,…

Sorry this is long, but I think a part of me just needs to get it out. My partner and I worked for a very small mom and pop company. Husband (Robert) and wife (Nellie) owners, who hired my partner Jim, and later on me. Only us 4. Jim worked in the field and myself and Nellie mostly were in the office. Robert did a mix. Think trades type work.

Robert has a unique personality. I strongly believe he has some untreated items like ADHD and possibly Bi-Polar. As a person in his mid 60s, he's fairly set in his ways.

For context, they have always shared tools between Jim's personal vehicle, the company vehicle, and Robert's personal vehicle. It's the nature of the work and for us has always been this way. Depending on the equipment we may have several, or one. Some are Jim's personal items he uses, some are the company. Typically things are kept in the work vehicle or inventory at the office, however when leaving a job site it is normal for Jim and Robert to go home instead of to the office. It is also not uncommon for Jim to not step foot in the office for days if his schedule for work orders does not change. So, technically yes, there are times when tools of the company come home with Jim. That's the background.

Lately things have been tense. Yesterday I arrived to the office and Robert was grumbling about Jim having a specific tool of his. He called Jim, Jim clarified he did not have this specific tool. Robert begins slamming things around in search of the tool. He exits the office, only to return 5 minutes later in an absolute rage. When I say screaming, I mean screaming. He begins to list off various items that Jim “stole” and proceeds to slam things around in inventory. At this point I tearfully interject to clarify that Jim would never steal from him or anyone. I also added the location of several of the items he was questioning. He has us store things at various properties and then forgets, obviously. He turns to me and begins screaming again, listing the items and tallying up the amount of money he has lost. This entire time Nellie is sitting there saying nothing. I tell her that this is my que to leave for the day. I was terrified and visibly upset. Jim was still on his way in at this point, and I called him after I left and explained the situation. He was scheduled to work in the field with Robert and planned to do just that. Upon his arrival, Robert was gone and Jim had a conversation with Nellie. She explained things have been tense lately because the financials aren't there and Robert feels like Jim isnt pulling his weight (Jim and I were both hired for part time, which is specifically why we took the jobs). Nellie expressed we should all take the weekend and regroup.

Later I received an email from Nellie, outlining the events and adding that Robert told her that Jim and I quit. Additionally, “Robert says you also backed into his truck when you left, denting it.” There were pictures attached.

Not only did I not say I quit, or Jim quit, but I absolutely did not hit his truck. The picture “evidence” shows a dent on the back passenger side, by the back wheel well and near the exhaust. From where my car was parked in relation to the truck, the closest part of his vehicle to me was the front and driver side. Had I not been parked next to the open alley way to the street, which is how I exited the lot by pulling forward, I wouldn't have been able to get out. Essentially when he pulled in he parked perpendicular to me. His front driver's side near the back of my car, and he had a trailer attached so it was the full length of the parking lot.

I quickly realized they are likely trying to frame this as a quit so that we can't fight for unemployment should we choose. I clarified his allegation of my hitting his vehicle with a diagram of where he was and where I was, and clarifies also that we left under the impression we would regroup, however it sounds like they have decided to terminate both of our employment.

Long story man. I'm just at a complete loss. This seemingly came out of nowhere but these false allegations are what's really getting me.

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