
My fiance received a cease and desist.

My fiance posted a Google review of her experience working for an immigration law firm in the pnw. It was incredibly toxic and down right embarrassing place to work. While the firm itself claimed to great things for the Latino community it continually conned hard working immigrants out of their abilities to achieve their citizenship for fear of deportation. When I say I conned they would propose things like asylum knowing that their only chance would expire with that effort because it brought their firm more money and less effort than holding out for solid citizenship. That being said my fiance was forced to walk up and down the Las Vegas strip handing out flyers trying to cohorce potential sales for their immigration protection plan… Work visa, green card, aslyum… Wava.. which cost more than 10k. Without a refund policy.. strategically leaving key questions out of their representation interviews. ….…

My fiance posted a Google review of her experience working for an immigration law firm in the pnw. It was incredibly toxic and down right embarrassing place to work. While the firm itself claimed to great things for the Latino community it continually conned hard working immigrants out of their abilities to achieve their citizenship for fear of deportation. When I say I conned they would propose things like asylum knowing that their only chance would expire with that effort because it brought their firm more money and less effort than holding out for solid citizenship.

That being said my fiance was forced to walk up and down the Las Vegas strip handing out flyers trying to cohorce potential sales for their immigration protection plan… Work visa, green card, aslyum… Wava.. which cost more than 10k. Without a refund policy.. strategically leaving key questions out of their representation interviews.

…. I'm heated… But that being said she posted an honest review of the company and received an 8 page cease and desist email regarding defamation… For a Google review.

My questions are, can this be a real threat? Nothing what she said was a false representation of how she felt working their..

Should she play it safe and comply to the letter?

Ignore it until she is lawfully served?

Or just ignore it and go about our lives..

Thanks for muddling through this post any advice and support is welcome.

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