
My Fiancée has been unemployed for 6 months now, and just got turned down for a job she is overqualified for. But I guess nobody wants to work anymore.

I’ve heard we in America (maybe globally idk) are on the brink of a recession, and that a lot of companies are starting to shore up their labor pool. It’s so crazy to me that in the span of a few months the job market has gone from “desperately hiring” to “sorry, you don’t qualify”. Just for some context, my fiancée applied to Costco as a front end assistant for the prepared foods department. She has worked in customer service/food service for many years, and even took on supervisor positions in some jobs. Everything was looking good from the interviews, and she even asked during her last interview “if there was anything on or missing from her resume that would indicate she is not a good fit for the position”. The interviewer said “no, everything looks good.” Why, then would she be denied the position the next day? There were…

I’ve heard we in America (maybe globally idk) are on the brink of a recession, and that a lot of companies are starting to shore up their labor pool. It’s so crazy to me that in the span of a few months the job market has gone from “desperately hiring” to “sorry, you don’t qualify”.

Just for some context, my fiancée applied to Costco as a front end assistant for the prepared foods department. She has worked in customer service/food service for many years, and even took on supervisor positions in some jobs. Everything was looking good from the interviews, and she even asked during her last interview “if there was anything on or missing from her resume that would indicate she is not a good fit for the position”. The interviewer said “no, everything looks good.”

Why, then would she be denied the position the next day? There were multiple positions open in the department, and she has skills that could be useful in other departments of the store as well. I refuse to accept that this minimum wage entry position at a grocery store sets the bar so high that a college graduate with years of food service experience doesn’t have the chops for a seasonal position serving fucking sandwiches and shit.

I hate this meat-grinder of a society that we have evolved into. Even trying to get into a soul-sucking job has proved to be an effort in futility nowadays. My fiancée has mental health issues, much like myself and many others. But she cannot afford to see her therapist anymore, and is chipping away at her savings just to keep the medication she desperately needs. I’ve felt so much pressure from being the only one making income, it’s sent me into a depressive spiral and got me thinking of quitting my job. But what are my chances of getting another one in the future? Fuck this place, I want out.

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