
My fiancée was fired today, looking for some clarity/advice.

My fiancée works for a health department as a contractor for COVID tracing. Today she was fired for “fraud/theft” as she put that she worked Monday the 20th (Juneteenth). This was an honest mistake as she works every Monday so entered it as normal. They have now stated that she failed to sign in everyday she worked (which most contracts don't sign in including the boss's daughter) but they do use a key fob to enter the building and there are security cameras. Both of which will prove that she has been at work all the other times stated showing the honesty in this mistake. They have threatened and gotten a lawyer involved and she is terrified that she is going to go to jail which will no longer allow her to take the NCLEX and become a nurse. All this over an honest mistake that cost the government $120…

My fiancée works for a health department as a contractor for COVID tracing. Today she was fired for “fraud/theft” as she put that she worked Monday the 20th (Juneteenth). This was an honest mistake as she works every Monday so entered it as normal. They have now stated that she failed to sign in everyday she worked (which most contracts don't sign in including the boss's daughter) but they do use a key fob to enter the building and there are security cameras. Both of which will prove that she has been at work all the other times stated showing the honesty in this mistake.

They have threatened and gotten a lawyer involved and she is terrified that she is going to go to jail which will no longer allow her to take the NCLEX and become a nurse. All this over an honest mistake that cost the government $120 (8hrs x $15/hr).

I am absolutely sickened they are leaving her in limbo on this and curious if there is any real risk of prison time or something going on her record to inhibit her from becoming a nurse. Is there anything I can do other than call them out on Twitter?

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