
My fiance’s employer, a Republican marketing firm, just lost 2/3s of their accounting dept and aren’t hiring anyone else. Go figure lol.

The title needs a bit more of a background. This company manages media campaigns for republican candidates. Think of the most insufferable representatives and governors in the country; they represent them. My fiance and I are not Republican at all, and I remain baffled she took the job intially. I digress. Once she was hired on she was a part of a 4 person team: CFO, lead accountant, 2 staff accountants and one of the staff accountants was also HR. Literally, she did ALL OF THE HR plus accounting. For the same pay as my fiance (52k). We live on the east coast so that wage is piss poor for the area. The team was at least one body short in accounting. The CFO is consistently last to the office and first to leave. She also pressured and griped at her employees to put more time in during evenings and…

The title needs a bit more of a background. This company manages media campaigns for republican candidates. Think of the most insufferable representatives and governors in the country; they represent them. My fiance and I are not Republican at all, and I remain baffled she took the job intially.

I digress. Once she was hired on she was a part of a 4 person team: CFO, lead accountant, 2 staff accountants and one of the staff accountants was also HR. Literally, she did ALL OF THE HR plus accounting. For the same pay as my fiance (52k). We live on the east coast so that wage is piss poor for the area. The team was at least one body short in accounting. The CFO is consistently last to the office and first to leave. She also pressured and griped at her employees to put more time in during evenings and on weekends… salaried positions mind you. The job was also marketed as hybrid and it was not. She went to the office every damn day. Of course, she decided she wanted to quit.

My fiance took a new job and secured a 20k pay raise and she leaves this week. No pay raise offered to the remaining employees. The lead accountant just put in her 2 weeks today and got a 15k pay raise at her new job. The one lone accountant/entire HR department is close to getting a new job too.

This republican marketing firm is about to come to a screeching halt RIGHT BEFORE midterm election push this fall. “Busy season” starts in July and they will only have one accountant in the company to do all the work… and that person is also about to leave.

This is so ripe, so damn hilarious. Republican campaigns all over the country are going to go to shit because their media company literally has no accountants to pay the bills. At best??? This company will have to outsource their accounting to some CPA firm, still be behind the 8 ball the entire mid-term rush, and pay likely 3-4 times what they would have paid their staff to an accounting firm to fix their fuck-up.

EXTRA NUGGET: The lead accountant once told a story of an executive assistant at the company committing suicide and dropping a heavy reference to her job as causation.

I frankly hope the company goes under because the entire accounting dept coordinated their exodus at the same time right before, what could actually be, the most important mid-term election of the past century.

Fuck them republicans lol.

TLDR: my fiance and her entire accounting dept have been treated like shit by their republican media company and they coordinated their 2 weeks to leave the company with no one to pay the bills right before the biggest mid-term election season of the past decade, maybe century. The company may actually crash and burn and go under. Noice

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