
My fight with Verizon.

My story. I started out working for Verizon in 2017 and moved three different states to keep furthering my career. I do want to make it clear I've never been against working and prided myself in my ability to keep moving up. I suffered an electrical injury and the way my body contorted when I fell back left me with multiple disc herniations and pinched nerves. I no longer am able to feel outside sources in my extremeties I only feel an internal pain and weakening. My doctors and also insurances doctors are on my side and I have the documents to prove it. My issue however is with Verizon and their inability to help. I had coworkers and customers next to me when it happened on the cameras mind you. The noise of the electricity cracking was loud and scared the whole room but it didn't matter because the…

My story.

I started out working for Verizon in 2017 and moved three different states to keep furthering my career. I do want to make it clear I've never been against working and prided myself in my ability to keep moving up.

I suffered an electrical injury and the way my body contorted when I fell back left me with multiple disc herniations and pinched nerves. I no longer am able to feel outside sources in my extremeties I only feel an internal pain and weakening. My doctors and also insurances doctors are on my side and I have the documents to prove it.

My issue however is with Verizon and their inability to help. I had coworkers and customers next to me when it happened on the cameras mind you. The noise of the electricity cracking was loud and scared the whole room but it didn't matter because the fear of the fallout from the company was even louder. My coworker/manager came forward and attested to what had happened along with some customers but Verizon didn't allow any of their words to get to the judge.

In the interim I have barely been able to scrape by due to the system not working as intended. Now Verizon after holding on to the evidence has told me to come back since I am in the appeals process. I can't go back because the Oxycodone, epidurals, and Radiofrequency Abalation have not fixed me. I am being told I need multiple spinal fusions to loosen the discs that are impacting my nerves. I'm not to that point yet so in the meantime they are doing everything they can to make me homeless.

I just needed to rant because I don't know what to do in this situation I have a lawyer who believes I'm getting absolutely fucked in this and doing whatever he can in a world designed against the common worker. I once thought Verizon cared about me but they have proved nothing but how inhumane a company can be. I was raised by my grandmother for good reason so I don't have any family to fall back on. I wanted my story to be told because I am about to he chewed up by the system while I wait.

This rant is more about how companies do not care about their employees and the system being flawed. I've been disabled for life and now they are trying to stop my payments unless I come back. I can't do the work they are asking and just need to heal. I've gone so far as emailing the higher ups but it has fallen on deaf ears.

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