
My first day working in a kitchen

I am a chartered accountant studying English in Ireland. I've got a job as a kitchen assistant and, damn, the work is hard. I have to fry chicken all day, I need to time the chicken in the oil correctly, memorize orders that never stop coming in and organize everything. So at the end of the day I have to clean everything and then disinfect. My feet are sore. My collegues are great, but I can't stop thinking how this type of work is not valued in my country and even seen as 'too easy'. It is not.

I am a chartered accountant studying English in Ireland. I've got a job as a kitchen assistant and, damn, the work is hard. I have to fry chicken all day, I need to time the chicken in the oil correctly, memorize orders that never stop coming in and organize everything. So at the end of the day I have to clean everything and then disinfect. My feet are sore.

My collegues are great, but I can't stop thinking how this type of work is not valued in my country and even seen as 'too easy'. It is not.

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