
My foreman making 150k a year loses it every time I don’t show up early

My shift starts at 5 A.M. I am at my post at 5 A.M. For some illogical and probably illegal reason, my foreman demands I show up 30 minutes before my shift like everyone else. 30 minutes of unpaid time ya fuckin right. I simply refuse to do it, so he yells at me for being ‘late’ every day. If I get fired for not working off the clock can I still get unemployment?

My shift starts at 5 A.M.

I am at my post at 5 A.M.

For some illogical and probably illegal reason, my foreman demands I show up 30 minutes before my shift like everyone else. 30 minutes of unpaid time ya fuckin right.

I simply refuse to do it, so he yells at me for being ‘late’ every day.

If I get fired for not working off the clock can I still get unemployment?

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