
My former employer had a team of lawyers to fight unemployment claims.

I use to work for a very large industrial supply manufacturer. I worked my butt of and had hundreds of hours of overtime each year for 5 years. One day I got hurt (not my fault) and had to use workers comp. I had a surgery and returned after 8 months. Uppn my return I was warned that they were looking for an excuse to fire me because i increased their insurance. I didn't fully believe it because I'd always been ontime and had more overtime than any other person at the plant. I'd been written up one time before 2 years prior. Within the month they fired me for minor incident. I file for unemployment and found out they are fighting my claim with a team of 3 lawyers. No idea why so many except maybe to scare people off. My state was updating its system and their unemployment…

I use to work for a very large industrial supply manufacturer. I worked my butt of and had hundreds of hours of overtime each year for 5 years. One day I got hurt (not my fault) and had to use workers comp. I had a surgery and returned after 8 months. Uppn my return I was warned that they were looking for an excuse to fire me because i increased their insurance. I didn't fully believe it because I'd always been ontime and had more overtime than any other person at the plant. I'd been written up one time before 2 years prior. Within the month they fired me for minor incident.

I file for unemployment and found out they are fighting my claim with a team of 3 lawyers. No idea why so many except maybe to scare people off.

My state was updating its system and their unemployment court conference calls were full of bugs. I was in Pacific time their lawyers were in Eastern time and only worked Monday-Thursday. Because I was the smaller party, the judge let me pick what time was best for MY schedule. I chose 4:00pm Pacific on Friday.

Remember how I told you the system was full of bugs? Our teleconference was ended a few minitues in the case…..4 times. I have no idea what it cost to have 3 lawyers working on their weekend at 7pm Eastern but I'm guessing it's alot.

I won the case.

Don't waste your life working your ass of any employer. They will screw you the second it looks good on paper.

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