
My friend is being taken advantage of by my old company and I don’t know how to help

I used to work at this super dodgy company and they amount of illegal shit they’ve done is crazy. I’m not gonna go into it fully because there’s just so much so I’ll just explain the current situation. I’ll try and keep this short. But to add context, I quit after they made false accusations towards me in the office that gave me a mental breakdown and after they told me and my friends we weren’t going to be able to finish our apprenticeship because they didn’t want to pay us min wage. I’m doing much better nowadays and just got a new job that I love. He’s an apprentice and they’ve made him management, they put him in charge of a team he knew nothing about. Now they’ve sacked a bunch of people they’ve kinda just forced him to work in about 5 different teams. Recently however, they’ve been…

I used to work at this super dodgy company and they amount of illegal shit they’ve done is crazy. I’m not gonna go into it fully because there’s just so much so I’ll just explain the current situation. I’ll try and keep this short. But to add context, I quit after they made false accusations towards me in the office that gave me a mental breakdown and after they told me and my friends we weren’t going to be able to finish our apprenticeship because they didn’t want to pay us min wage. I’m doing much better nowadays and just got a new job that I love.

He’s an apprentice and they’ve made him management, they put him in charge of a team he knew nothing about. Now they’ve sacked a bunch of people they’ve kinda just forced him to work in about 5 different teams. Recently however, they’ve been actually forcing him to work overtime (unpaid) and calling him when he’s at home to try and fix a problem (unpaid). But threatening (and making examples by doing the same to other employees) to force him into a “voluntary redundancy” which they have just done to over half their staff because the CEO is insane and doesn’t know how to run a company.

We’re all fairly young and for most this is a first job so we have no clue where we stand and simply bringing up concerns to HR got them threatening us with legal action.

For context we are in the UK.

I also wouldn’t be opposed to sharing the name of the company if need be. I hate how people give this company good reviews online when they treat their employees like shit.

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