
My friend was denied approved vacation

This happened years ago but I loved this story. I was trading stories with my coworker friend of how we ended up in our current job. She told me she had put in for vacation in her last job and it was approved. A few weeks later they have a new hire. this new hire stated when she was being hired (without knowing my friend or her vacation days) said she needed the same days off that my friend had put in for. They tell the new hire sure no problem. the manger then informs my friend sorry but we are really short staffed we have to give the days to the new hire, and your days are now denied. My friend says you can't do that I already bought plane tickets etc. Manager says I am really sorry nothing I can do. My friend says fine I quit and…

This happened years ago but I loved this story. I was trading stories with my coworker friend of how we ended up in our current job. She told me she had put in for vacation in her last job and it was approved. A few weeks later they have a new hire. this new hire stated when she was being hired (without knowing my friend or her vacation days) said she needed the same days off that my friend had put in for. They tell the new hire sure no problem. the manger then informs my friend sorry but we are really short staffed we have to give the days to the new hire, and your days are now denied. My friend says you can't do that I already bought plane tickets etc. Manager says I am really sorry nothing I can do. My friend says fine I quit and walks out. She gets another job. two weeks later the Manager calls her back saying she is sorry and would she please come back. The new hire ended up quitting or decided not to take the position. My friend said sorry I have a new job now.
I really liked this story as the manager I think learned a valuable lesson. and then had two staff openings to fill.
My daughter is an entry level manager. I told her the people who will help you the most are the people who work for you. don't be a dick to them.

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