
my future ex-boss said I was blackmailing him

I'm on mobile. Not my first language. So a week ago I got a job offer and talked to my boss about it. I told him how much I was being offered in the slightest chance he wanted to match that offer, (I kinda knew he wouldn't but whatever, worth the shot) so… he didn't, and I put my two week notice. Today my coworker told me he was saying he felt I was blackmailing him when I told him how much my new job was offering. And he told me how thankful he was because I let him know, and gave him a chance to keep me in the company instead of just quitting, like, come on! Aren't we adults?? Why make such comments behind my back, like we're in highschool or something! Sorry I just wanted to rant.

I'm on mobile. Not my first language.

So a week ago I got a job offer and talked to my boss about it. I told him how much I was being offered in the slightest chance he wanted to match that offer, (I kinda knew he wouldn't but whatever, worth the shot) so… he didn't, and I put my two week notice.
Today my coworker told me he was saying he felt I was blackmailing him when I told him how much my new job was offering. And he told me how thankful he was because I let him know, and gave him a chance to keep me in the company instead of just quitting, like, come on! Aren't we adults?? Why make such comments behind my back, like we're in highschool or something!

Sorry I just wanted to rant.

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