
My GF feels guilty for job hopping, even for the right reasons.

Hello 🙂 so my girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 and a half years. We currently live together in an apartment and are doing pretty okay. The only thing is, for the last 12 months, she's had a ton of trouble finding a full time job that suits her. She's probably been through about 8 jobs in the past year. And every time I've always supported her, and even straight out just told her to quit. Most of these jobs have been egregious (sexual harrassment, wage garnishing, lying about hours, etc) and I've always wanted to reassure her that what she's doing isn't her fault and that she'll find one that treats her okay soon. We have enough savings and have been doing okay even with her checks being less consistent. Would any of you know like to share your experiences with job hopping and how you…

Hello 🙂 so my girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 and a half years. We currently live together in an apartment and are doing pretty okay. The only thing is, for the last 12 months, she's had a ton of trouble finding a full time job that suits her. She's probably been through about 8 jobs in the past year. And every time I've always supported her, and even straight out just told her to quit. Most of these jobs have been egregious (sexual harrassment, wage garnishing, lying about hours, etc) and I've always wanted to reassure her that what she's doing isn't her fault and that she'll find one that treats her okay soon. We have enough savings and have been doing okay even with her checks being less consistent. Would any of you know like to share your experiences with job hopping and how you got out of it? Thank you.

Edit: I forgot to say that she is an amazingly hard worker. She does so much stuff around the house, and when I previously worked with her she was the best in the kitchen. I have no doubts that her work ethic is very good.

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