
My girlfriends employer lied to her and is trying to screw her over because of it.

My girlfriend got a job with a local call center from looking on indeed and has been there about 3 months. The job was listed as a WFH position but it included a month of training on site before you become WFH. My girlfriend got the job, picked her schedule as she was asked to do from a list of available schedules. 2 months after training ends they’re trying everything they can to make her (and everyone else) come work from the office even though she has followed all their instructions. Apparently the schedule they hired her for is a problem now so she has the option of quitting or missing her agreed to day off and losing hours. It’s just bullshit and I wanted to rant. My phone is lagging typing this so if you have any questions I’ll answer in the comments.

My girlfriend got a job with a local call center from looking on indeed and has been there about 3 months.

The job was listed as a WFH position but it included a month of training on site before you become WFH.

My girlfriend got the job, picked her schedule as she was asked to do from a list of available schedules.

2 months after training ends they’re trying everything they can to make her (and everyone else) come work from the office even though she has followed all their instructions.

Apparently the schedule they hired her for is a problem now so she has the option of quitting or missing her agreed to day off and losing hours.

It’s just bullshit and I wanted to rant.

My phone is lagging typing this so if you have any questions I’ll answer in the comments.

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