
My grandpa is dying but nobody will cover my shift

im so fuckin pissed. my grandpa's been in hospice for a week – i told my boss that, too – and they just called this morning to say he's got hours left. I messaged my entire workplace (~dozen people) and my boss just responded and said she's taking care of her mom today but will come halfway thru my shift, but otherwise if I can't find someone to cover I'm stuck here. nobody else replied, folks' phones are off, and the person on-call is already on-shift. im like, wonderin if i can take legal action if i dont make it there on time even. all this for 12/hr and worse yet i cant afford to lose my income.

im so fuckin pissed. my grandpa's been in hospice for a week – i told my boss that, too – and they just called this morning to say he's got hours left. I messaged my entire workplace (~dozen people) and my boss just responded and said she's taking care of her mom today but will come halfway thru my shift, but otherwise if I can't find someone to cover I'm stuck here. nobody else replied, folks' phones are off, and the person on-call is already on-shift. im like, wonderin if i can take legal action if i dont make it there on time even. all this for 12/hr and worse yet i cant afford to lose my income.

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