
My heart has always been antiwork even if I didn’t know of the community.

I've had 7 jobs over the last 20+ years and the only 2 stories I can think to share. Both happen in big box retail. I had a manager tell me, that in my file it said I was a good worker but not to confront me on anything because my work will come to a screeching halt lol. And the only time I've had a manager ever say something crazy to me, was when I got a call that my sister was in the hospital and she could die and/or lose her baby, I told the manager I why leaving and he told me to stay because there was nothing I could do at the hospital to help. I just walked out and nothing was ever said about it again. I've always just kept the idea in my head that I don't deserve to be treated like crap and…

I've had 7 jobs over the last 20+ years and the only 2 stories I can think to share. Both happen in big box retail. I had a manager tell me, that in my file it said I was a good worker but not to confront me on anything because my work will come to a screeching halt lol. And the only time I've had a manager ever say something crazy to me, was when I got a call that my sister was in the hospital and she could die and/or lose her baby, I told the manager I why leaving and he told me to stay because there was nothing I could do at the hospital to help. I just walked out and nothing was ever said about it again. I've always just kept the idea in my head that I don't deserve to be treated like crap and it's worked out fine for me. Sorry for the wall of text I just felt like sharing my few experience.

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