
My hospital just took down a program that risks patients after I fought an entire night to protect my patients

Not gonna lie working in hospitals in this city drained me mentally. Constant fights and conflicts. I lost so many battles on behalf of my patients. That night I had was a night from hell. The patient couldn’t speak and they wanted to risk her life for a program they have that they are not ready for. I received multiple phone calls threatening me, from the doctor, his team and my manager who yelled at me. I still fought for my patients. Next day I reported everyone was working in an incident report. The Vice President of the hospital suspended everyone who was involved that night except me. Then two weeks later he took down the program. I didn’t get anything from it. But my patients won. I never been proud before. Now its time to leave this city.

Not gonna lie working in hospitals in this city drained me mentally. Constant fights and conflicts. I lost so many battles on behalf of my patients. That night I had was a night from hell. The patient couldn’t speak and they wanted to risk her life for a program they have that they are not ready for. I received multiple phone calls threatening me, from the doctor, his team and my manager who yelled at me. I still fought for my patients. Next day I reported everyone was working in an incident report. The Vice President of the hospital suspended everyone who was involved that night except me. Then two weeks later he took down the program. I didn’t get anything from it. But my patients won. I never been proud before. Now its time to leave this city.

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