
My hospital system lost 30mil last month. The reason? Travelers. Let’s dissect

In a meeting with the VPs, it was disclosed that our system lost 30,000,000 last month. When asked what the cause was, the biggest contributor was travelers. Travelers are contract employees that travel to areas with demand. They typically earn 3-5x the wage of their non-travelling equivalent. The meeting was largely circular, with people complaining that: 1. Staff are becoming travelers because they make more money. 2. We can't fill positions with non travelers because we get very few applications. 3. We have to replace these travellers with real positions as we can't afford to pay 3-5x. 4. We need travelers temporarily otherwise the work doesn't get done. Someone mentioned the real problem and was completely shut down. Clearly, the real problem is the wage of the nontraveler. TLDR: Hospital losing money because travelers have higher wages, but unwilling to raise wages of non travelers to replace them.

In a meeting with the VPs, it was disclosed that our system lost 30,000,000 last month. When asked what the cause was, the biggest contributor was travelers. Travelers are contract employees that travel to areas with demand. They typically earn 3-5x the wage of their non-travelling equivalent.

The meeting was largely circular, with people complaining that:
1. Staff are becoming travelers because they make more money.
2. We can't fill positions with non travelers because we get very few applications.
3. We have to replace these travellers with real positions as we can't afford to pay 3-5x.
4. We need travelers temporarily otherwise the work doesn't get done.

Someone mentioned the real problem and was completely shut down. Clearly, the real problem is the wage of the nontraveler.

TLDR: Hospital losing money because travelers have higher wages, but unwilling to raise wages of non travelers to replace them.

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