
My immediate manager quit 6 months ago and I’ve continued doing what she told me to do in lieu of any instructions to do things differently and got reprimanded for it

My previous immediate manager wouldn’t let me do certain tasks because she liked to do them, hence I was also never trained on how to do them. She quit like 6 months ago. Since no manager – including the General, Finance, Office, Operations, Assistant Operations, and Department mangers – told me to do anything differently, I continued doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing. Now I got reprimanded for not doing what my old manager told me not to do and for not asking for clarification as to what I’m supposed to be doing. I thought it was management’s responsibility to inform me of changes in my duties? 🧐 Apparently the onus is on me to find out if my duties have changed.

My previous immediate manager wouldn’t let me do certain tasks because she liked to do them, hence I was also never trained on how to do them.

She quit like 6 months ago. Since no manager – including the General, Finance, Office, Operations, Assistant Operations, and Department mangers – told me to do anything differently, I continued doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing.

Now I got reprimanded for not doing what my old manager told me not to do and for not asking for clarification as to what I’m supposed to be doing.

I thought it was management’s responsibility to inform me of changes in my duties? 🧐 Apparently the onus is on me to find out if my duties have changed.

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