
My Job Didn’t Fire Me, They Asked Me Not To Come Back

My previous post detailing the kind of environment my office was: I was working last Friday when I noticed that a new employee did not upload a patients chart correctly, so I sent a text message to the work group chat asking if the front desk could please show her how to do it right. I guess this really upset my coworker that was training her, because she came back with a major attitude asking me “who I thought I was” and telling me “There's no point in you working here”. I responded that if she felt that way then she could tell management to fire me but for right now she needs to leave me alone, and admittedly I did say it pretty aggressively because I was upset. I think my aggressiveness did scare her because she left and didn't say anything for the rest of the day.…

My previous post detailing the kind of environment my office was:

I was working last Friday when I noticed that a new employee did not upload a patients chart correctly, so I sent a text message to the work group chat asking if the front desk could please show her how to do it right. I guess this really upset my coworker that was training her, because she came back with a major attitude asking me “who I thought I was” and telling me “There's no point in you working here”. I responded that if she felt that way then she could tell management to fire me but for right now she needs to leave me alone, and admittedly I did say it pretty aggressively because I was upset. I think my aggressiveness did scare her because she left and didn't say anything for the rest of the day. I did call her about 30 mins after our argument and apologized for the aggressiveness in my words, and she just said “ok” and hung up. I decided to ignore it and let her cool off, and to just look forward to the 3 day vacation I had this week (Mon-Wed) to my state capital. Well, I guess on Monday the new employee quit without notice, and the coworker I had an argument with used it as an opportunity to throw me under the bus. She went to the Karen manager described in my previous post and told her that I went up to the new employee on Friday, calling her 'Stupid” and telling her “That there is no point in working here” and that when my coworker asked me to stop that I told her to “Fuck off” and just a whole bunch of other bullshit. Karen manager calls me, never asks for my side of the story, and just tell me because of what I did that they no longer want me working there, not that I am fired just that they are asking me not to come back after my vacation. I am fairly sure she said it this way so that I can't file unemployment. To be honest, I'm glad I don't have to go into work tomorrow, or into that office ever again, but it definitely feels really shitty and like the last 5 years just went down the drain.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant, it felt good to type this all out.

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