
My job didn’t pay me for two months straight and then payed me with a gift card

I work at tartan fields a golf company in their kitchen I’m currently in high school so this is a summer job I started back in June and I didn’t work for a few weeks as I went to my home state but I came back and worked every week in July and august so far I haven’t been paid for nearly two months and I became frustrated I work two days a week for 13$ an hour and I am owed from my calculations working from 3-9pm and later 4-9pm about 1000$ and so then I finally got paid today and it’s 400$ in the form of a gift card rather than the pay check I specifically asked for I haven’t spent anything on the card as I haven’t even left the site yet but idk what to do I’ve lost all faith in this company at this point…

I work at tartan fields a golf company in their kitchen I’m currently in high school so this is a summer job I started back in June and I didn’t work for a few weeks as I went to my home state but I came back and worked every week in July and august so far I haven’t been paid for nearly two months and I became frustrated I work two days a week for 13$ an hour and I am owed from my calculations working from 3-9pm and later 4-9pm about 1000$ and so then I finally got paid today and it’s 400$ in the form of a gift card rather than the pay check I specifically asked for I haven’t spent anything on the card as I haven’t even left the site yet but idk what to do I’ve lost all faith in this company at this point and I’m owed nearly 600$ and I’m being paid in what I feel like is a very weird way and they are telling me if I want the rest I’ll have to reapply if anyone could help me that would be awesome

Edit: I went back and gave the card back and went through and got set up with the system they are going to pay me correctly next week however if they don’t I’ll probably call the labor board thanks for the hell everyone

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