
My job didn’t pay me my tips for the last 3 pay periods

I'll keep it short but, my job is as toxic as they get. The revolving door of employees is 100% because of piss poor management and being chronically understaffed. I was hired to be a front desk agent and I'm bartending and cooking the food people order. I feel like a one man show and I am burnt out (It's only been a month). This week my supervisor left me completely alone for hours, doing all these tasks, while barely being able to operate the computer system. I called out from anxiety, and they told me she would be written up. Nothing happened beyond things getting more toxic ​ They repeatedly schedule me on days I notified them I cannot work. They promised me I'd be full-time night audit and now only are offering weekends. This next schedule they put me at a time we never agreed on. But if…

I'll keep it short but, my job is as toxic as they get. The revolving door of employees is 100% because of piss poor management and being chronically understaffed. I was hired to be a front desk agent and I'm bartending and cooking the food people order. I feel like a one man show and I am burnt out (It's only been a month). This week my supervisor left me completely alone for hours, doing all these tasks, while barely being able to operate the computer system. I called out from anxiety, and they told me she would be written up. Nothing happened beyond things getting more toxic

They repeatedly schedule me on days I notified them I cannot work. They promised me I'd be full-time night audit and now only are offering weekends. This next schedule they put me at a time we never agreed on. But if all of this wasn't enough, I got paid today only to find that 5 weeks of credit card tips are not listed.

I don't want to work until they pay me the wages they withheld. What should I do?

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