
My job duties have changed since I first got hired. Wtf is happening?

I got hired onto a company in the sales team as a BDR (business development rep) to basically vet all the inbound leads. According to my now manager, at the time they had “so many inbound leads we didn’t know what to do with them all”. So I was hired to go through them all and see which ones were worth it to sell to and which ones were crap. Almost immediately when I go hired, the marketing budget was completely cut, so no more inbound leads. And I was told I am switching to 100% cold outbound prospecting. And to try to get meetings that way. If anyone has done sales, cold outreach is very very hard and tedious. Now, I have my boss looming over my shoulder asking me why I haven’t booked many meetings when the reality of the situation is I was not hired on to…

I got hired onto a company in the sales team as a BDR (business development rep) to basically vet all the inbound leads. According to my now manager, at the time they had “so many inbound leads we didn’t know what to do with them all”.

So I was hired to go through them all and see which ones were worth it to sell to and which ones were crap.

Almost immediately when I go hired, the marketing budget was completely cut, so no more inbound leads. And I was told I am switching to 100% cold outbound prospecting. And to try to get meetings that way. If anyone has done sales, cold outreach is very very hard and tedious.

Now, I have my boss looming over my shoulder asking me why I haven’t booked many meetings when the reality of the situation is I was not hired on to do this kind of work.

It just sucks man. My job description almost immediately changed when I got hired.

On top of this my AE (account executive) is a cocky prick who thinks he knows everything.

I’ve I my been here 3 months but I’m contemplating quitting.

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