
My job fired me for the most bull shit reason. But then something happened…

So this happened a few years ago but i thought you'd all like it… I worked at a coffee factory where we imported, roasted packaged and shipped out coffee all across the country. It was a fun gig. I had multiple duties but my main one was packing the ups boxes. It was tedious, and long hours but my coworkers made it worth it. However my supervisor was the worst. She had the worst attitude. She would cuss at us, throw things, yell at people and go as far as to threaten people. She was married to one one the higher ups so she was basically invincible there. And, to her credit, she did do an excellent job besides the abuse. She was fast and always got shit done. Fast forward five years later and I had finally had enough. I told her boss if I didn't move to another…

So this happened a few years ago but i thought you'd all like it…

I worked at a coffee factory where we imported, roasted packaged and shipped out coffee all across the country. It was a fun gig. I had multiple duties but my main one was packing the ups boxes. It was tedious, and long hours but my coworkers made it worth it.

However my supervisor was the worst. She had the worst attitude. She would cuss at us, throw things, yell at people and go as far as to threaten people. She was married to one one the higher ups so she was basically invincible there. And, to her credit, she did do an excellent job besides the abuse. She was fast and always got shit done.

Fast forward five years later and I had finally had enough. I told her boss if I didn't move to another department AND get a promotion I was going to quit. Everyone knew the abuse I had been under and to my surprise, he agreed. Soon after i was moved to inbound with 3 guys working under me and a hefty raise.

Here's the thing though, my position really was redundant. There was already an inbound manager, and he did all the real management work. I was just another lumper who made WAY too much for the job I had.

So what happened was I was using an electric power jack incorrectly, (I'll spare you the details but it was a very minor incident) And i was straight up fired. I had never had a wright up, been talked to about attendence nothing. I was a model employee and because I was making too much money they fired me and fought to not give me unemployment. I never did get that by the way.

So after i got fired they accidentally sent me a second last check. It had a ton of overtime on it, plus all my accumulated PTO on it so it was hefty, around 6000 dollars. When i got the 2nd check I knew they had fucked up. I went straight to the check cashing place and got all cash for it. I then reported my wallet stolen.

They called and called me. They threatened me, begged me even called my parents. I just ignored them. They fucked me over so hard I thought about vandalizing the place. (I never did anything but I knew ways to shut down there whole operation if i wanted too) But i left with the extra money and moved on. Fuck those guys.

TDLR; Company screwed me over, fired me for some bullshit, then accidentally gave me 6 thousand extra dollars which i kept.

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