
My job (hospital) gives double points if you call off on a Monday or Friday.

There's some kind of a policy in the employee handbook about penalizing members of staff who try to 'extend their weekend' by calling off on a Monday or Friday, essentially forcing you to use two days worth of days off or get double-pointed. I happen to be sick today (Monday morning) and I'm essentially going to be forced to go in anyway or else burn two vacation days if you have an unexcused absence. Is this even remotely legal? Because it feels like it shouldn't be.

There's some kind of a policy in the employee handbook about penalizing members of staff who try to 'extend their weekend' by calling off on a Monday or Friday, essentially forcing you to use two days worth of days off or get double-pointed. I happen to be sick today (Monday morning) and I'm essentially going to be forced to go in anyway or else burn two vacation days if you have an unexcused absence.

Is this even remotely legal? Because it feels like it shouldn't be.

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