
My job is driving me crazy this week

Okay, so I am an Office Administrator for a construction company. Basically, I do everything that has absolutely nothing to do with building stuff. I'm a cross between the secretary and the accountant. I usually love my job, it combines every skill I'm good at into one. This week, however… I work for a small company. It's me, two bosses and the laborers. Our primary boss went on vacation this week. The secondary boss had the option to, but she decided not to. However, she is so mad that PB went on vacation, that she is refusing to do any work this week. I found that out this morning when I got informed that she was mad at me because yesterday I called her twice with work stuff (at 10am and 2pm), and it woke her up. Keep in mind that she didn't answer either time and has yet to…

Okay, so I am an Office Administrator for a construction company. Basically, I do everything that has absolutely nothing to do with building stuff. I'm a cross between the secretary and the accountant. I usually love my job, it combines every skill I'm good at into one. This week, however…

I work for a small company. It's me, two bosses and the laborers. Our primary boss went on vacation this week. The secondary boss had the option to, but she decided not to. However, she is so mad that PB went on vacation, that she is refusing to do any work this week. I found that out this morning when I got informed that she was mad at me because yesterday I called her twice with work stuff (at 10am and 2pm), and it woke her up. Keep in mind that she didn't answer either time and has yet to call or text me back.

So now, the workers are left unsupervised, which is fine because they know what to do. However, when they have questions, who are they calling? I legit know nothing about building stuff and they know this, so they are forced to call PB and now he's more stressed out and anxious than he was before the vacation, because everyone keeps calling him and then he calls me to give me whatever updates I need to know. Oh and PB and SB are husband and wife/co-owners of the business, so there is no “Fire her/demote her, etc…” option.

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